Leakblock P200 is created with a solvent free process. Unique features of superior sealability, strong durability and excellent flexibility are distinguished from the conventional products.
Leakblock P200 protect fluid contamination and suitable for steam and clean line.
Leakblock P is optimized for general application and provide stable service ranges in water, oil, gas & steam, fluids, etc

Gas Permeability High grade of next generation gasket, P200 Gasket Sheet shows excellent gas permeability with dedicated protection from fugitive emission control which is considered the possible risk of fire & explosion etc. it provides distinguish level of TA-Luft acceptance criteria
-Test Method : VDI 2440 (TA-Luft.
-(Techniche Anleitung Zur Reinhaltung Der Luft : Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control)
Peak Pressure and Blow Out
Leak rate on internal pressure applied.
According to Global oil major’s type acceptance test, this test verifies stable sealing performance without leakage and breakage when internal pres- sure increases beyond 60 bar with minimum gasket seating stress main- tained. This test shall meet related industries requirement
Steam Service
Based on excellent gas permeability, it provides stable sealability in steam applications compared with conventional CNAF. Normally drastic change of thermal or pressure cycling is highly effected on sealability, but high dense inner structure of P200 Gasket Sheet enhances longer and lower life cycle cost for customers.
Actual field test performed at a chemical plant to confirm excellent durability above specified condition and leakage has not detected at steam line for 1,000 days.
Insulation Properties
In accordance with authorized institute, P200 Gasket Sheet demonstrates out- standing results in electrical isolation performance. Compare to testing result against conventional CNAF and reinforced PTFE materials, P200 Gasket Sheet has the highest level of electrical isolation performance in ambient and water dipping condition.
Stress Relief
With superior heat resistance of P200 Gasket Sheet, above test result demonstrates excellent sealability in critical conditions (high temperature & pressure but reducing seating stress). This strength has shown stable seal- ing advantage on relief bolting stress at high temperature condition.
Low Seating Stress
With special UMCS*, Eco Friendly Gasket Sheet shows outstanding stability at low seating stress where achieving standard torque is not possible in ac- tual assembling construction fields.
Simultaneously applied condition of high seating stress 120MPa and 200°C, P200 Gasket Sheet has strong physical properties and less deformation while test- ing verification of gasket thickness, surface change and breakage.
P200 Gasket Sheet has designed to considering low maintenance costs. Per-formance testing under the condition of 120MPa and 200°C. P200 Gasket
Sheet has shown excellent and easy removability with no adhesion on the flange surfaces. This contributes to cost saving and flange protection.